Minha mais recente descoberta (meio atrasada) é do "projeto" Washed Out. Gente, é muito bom!!! Enfim algo inteligente que mistura ambient music com um pop leve. Bom para ouvir depois de um dia de stress. Deixo o texto abaixo, que tive preguiça de traduzir.
Ah, ouçam de início o CD Within and without. Ouví no site da Colette, loja descoladíssima de Paris e adorei.
Washed Out is the operational alias for Atlanta, GA’s Ernest Greene, and on July 12th, we at Sub Pop Records will be releasing the first Washed Out full-length, Within and Without. We are excited about this, to an almost unseemly degree. Greene recorded Within and Without with Ben Allen, who, among a great many other things, co-produced Animal Collective’s Merriweather Post Pavillion, Gnarls Barkley’s St. Elsewhere and Deerhunter’s Halcyon Digest. In 2009 Washed Out released two critically-acclaimed EPs; Life of Leisure (Mexican Summer) and High Times (Mirror Universe Tapes). Most recently, the Washed Out song “Feel It All Around,” from Life of Leisure, was chosen as the theme song for the new and very funny IFC series Portlandia, which features Saturday Night Live cast member Fred Armisen and Sleater-Kinney/Sub Pop alum and current Wild Flag member Carrie Brownstein. Early confirmed press for Within and Without includes a “Breaking Out” feature in the June issue of SPIN, as well as NPR “Song of the Day” coverage for the album’s lead track “Eyes Be Closed.” In addition to performing at this year’s Sasquatch! Music Festival in May, Washed Out will be touring in these United States in September of 2011.
Olá, Afonso.
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